Grafton Senior Citizens recently held our March general meeting, following the AGM, with an attendance of 78 and 15 apologies; there was no guest speaker due to the AGM.
Birthday wishes to those celebrating during month. Best wishes to anyone on sick list, including Marie Barling.
Sincere sympathy to the families of former and current members, Jean Battye; Edna Anderson; Margaret Johnson and Colleen Walden, who recently passed away, some in tragic circumstances.
Welcome to new members, Gloria Mealia, Peter Cooke and Jenny Mead.
Correspondence in: confirmation from Samantha Osborne and Sue Hughes, that they will be guest speakers for Rural Mental Health at the next meeting; an invite to Whiddon Group AGM on March 18.
Correspondence out: letters to new members; sympathy cards to families of deceased. Treasurer’s report was tabled and accounts for payment authorised.
General business included: latest NSW & North Coast Seniors newspapers available; memberships of $10 can now be paid; meeting day lunches at $3 need more support, as do weekly activities, which are the basis of group; reminder to park outside or members carpark on race days; thanks Olive Hannah’s daughter, for donation of microwave; members encouraged not to ignore letters on NBN, and discuss with phone provider.
Successful recently held first day bus trip for year to Twin Towns for the Daniel O’Donnell show. Day trip to The Farm at Byron Bay on April 5 still has spare seats and tickets for a day to Stuarts Point and Scotts Head on May 31 have just on sale. Other trips for 2019 are also being planned and will be put on sale progressively.
The 7 day tour to Lake Macquarie area from August 16 still has a few spare seats.
New members, over 50 are welcome. Enquiries, or bookings on trips at meetings or on any Thursday morning at Seniors room, Kensei Lounge, Racecourse, Powell Street or with Sandra on 6642 7720.
Regular meeting competition winners: D. Bailey; D. Schuhmacher; J. Campbell; Y. Hall; A. Rediger; V. Hendrie; Y. Cooney; B. Perrett.
Next general meeting is Tuesday April 9 starting at 10.30am; Samantha Osborne, RAMHP has been invited to be guest speaker.
Sandra Connelly