Community News

Grafton Probus take a trip to Downton Abbey

The club has offered seven activities this month with most members enjoying the range offered. The Downton Abbey movie at the Saraton proved very enjoyable to those in attendance, some of whom had never watched the television version. The ‘choc tops’ added to the afternoon’s success.

Our games afternoon was also a winner. The group that travelled to South Grafton Bowling Club were surprised to find that the brief downpour prior to meeting was confined to the northern side of the river and the greens were dry. Most of the participants had not played before but were enjoying their games within a brief time. Thanks to the club opening that afternoon for us, especially Terry Dwyer, who coached those new to the game. For those unable to play, card games were the indoor activity.

This week will see the return of our Day Tours with a bus trip to visit the Southern Cross University Aquarium and the Botanical Gardens in Coffs Harbour.

Michael Troy, from South Grafton Pharmacy, was the guest speaker at our April general meeting. Michael told of his early professional life and how he settled in a town where he had previously holidayed. He described his daily activities at the pharmacy as being much more personal than the bigger companies and answered many questions about the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme, patents on drugs by companies and the cheaper versions and why different versions of drugs with the same active ingredient may affect people differently.

This month’s general meeting will see a record number of eight new members being inducted. If you are interested in joining the club, you can ring our membership officer, Maureen on 6644 7302 or President Paula on 6642 8797.

Ron Payne