Nineteen of our members enjoyed our mid-day lunch at the Village Green Hotel on March 5. The most recent luncheon was at the Grafton Golf Club on Tuesday of this week. The May luncheon will follow a morning of croquette at Coutts Crossing on May 7.
Most of our members toured the Warwick area this month. We look forward to sharing their experiences over the coming days. Of course, our biggest celebration this year will be our 400th meeting to be held at South Grafton Bowling Club on June 20.
The club held this month’s ordinary meeting and Annual General Meeting at South Grafton Services Club on March 21. It was timely that our ‘five-minute speaker’ president Ray Nelson, was very entertaining, telling about his experiences of growing up and qualifying as an electrician around the Bankstown area and his later life in Grafton.
At the AGM, the following members were elected: president – Raymon Wilson; vice president – Bill Greenlees; secretary – Dick White (assistant – Roslyn Cheswell); treasurer – Monica Jeffs (assistant – Barry Johnson); welfare officer – Doreen Schuhmacher; publicity officer – Ron Payne; tourism officer – Peter Chessell (assistant – Fay See); program officer – Fay See; membership officer – Maureen Greenlees; luncheon organiser – Cave Wilson; auditor – Val Curtis
Ron Payne