President Lyn welcomed members to the meeting of the Grafton Floral Art Society; unfortunately three apologies were received and accepted.
Correspondence was received from the Cancer Council of NSW thanking the Society for the $1,300 proceeds resulting from the morning tea held at the Joan Muir Community Centre on May 10.
The Group discussed arrangements for the floral display at Grafton Shoppingworld, during July Race week and president Lyn had prepared a roster for attendance and selling competition tickets. First prize, being a monster basket containing over $100 worth of groceries, second prize a floral arrangement and third, as $30 platter of fruit and vegetables.
It was unanimously decided by members at the meeting, as in previous years, a donation of $300 be forwarded to the Westpac helicopter to assist in their quest to save lives.
Leonie Roberts was once again welcomed and discussed with members planning for the “Festival of Flowers” during Jacaranda week. She has done some research and presented a display of photos and assured members assistance will be readily available.
A committee was organised to prepare the schedule for floral art section for the 2020 Grafton Show. Floral art schedules are a source of inspiration and challenge to floral artists.
A reminder to members that the next usual meeting would not be held on July 12 as it clashes with the floral display, but the following meeting on July 25, will be the Annual General Meeting.
To conclude the meeting Lyn demonstrated a vertical arrangement in a white container, firstly placing mother in law tongue for height and arranging white rose buds in a upright direction, for filling white statice was placed and aspidistra foliage used for depth and covered the mechanics.
Must say the demonstrators make it look easy, but that comes with practice and patience.
Lyn Hayman