A welcome was extended to members of the Grafton Floral Art Society by vice president, Doreen, in the absence of president Lyn. Apologies were received from three members and were accepted.
As the Grafton Show is fast approaching and Janni Walker (a member of the Society), is the Floral Art steward, confirmation of the sponsorship and documentation was finalised.
Correspondence was tabled from the Garden Club of Australia. Once again confirming public risk insurance and the Cancer Council of Australia wrote enquiring re the morning tea arrangements.
In general business discussion centred around the morning tea to be held on May 10 at the Joan Muir Community Centre in Turf Street, Grafton, on Friday May 10, commencing at 9.30am.
Should you wish to attend for a donation of $5 upon entry you will be issued with a lucky door ticket, and if you wish to purchase, raffle or tombola tickets are available; when seated you will be presented with scones and slices with tea or coffee. As in past years a trade table will be held with floral arrangements, home cooking, craft items and potted plants.
A letterhead was designed by Margaret to be used for correspondence proved to be attractive and very popular with members.
Two demonstrators for the meeting had been rostered, but unfortunately a late apology was received, and Laurel Morton continued with two very artistic designs. Firstly, in a fawn container she outlined her design with green cordyline foliage, the using different textures e.g. Japanese box, chrysanthemum foliage and a variegated vine, completed an asymmetrical design featuring maroon coleus and croton foliage in the focal area.
Next followed a basket style base, placed cordyline foliage for height and a mixed variety of foliage and small flowers, large bright gerberas ran down the centre naming it appropriately “Basket of Plenty”.
As our next meeting day falls on Anzac Day, members are to assemble at 3pm on May 9, at Joan Muir Centre, to set up in preparation for our big day, on May 10 for the Cancer Council morning tea.
Everyone is most welcome to attend, just come along, bring a friend if possible, and enjoy the morning.
Freda Johnson