Members of the Grafton Floral Society were welcomed to the first meeting of the year by president Lyn, and especially welcomed visitors Moira Cotton and Julie Sheen. Unfortunately, four apologies were received and accepted.
As it was St Valentine’s Day, and members were encouraged to bring along as much red foliage as possible and red flowers. The red and maroon foliage was all centred and each member had what was described as a progressive action on each arrangement all in red containers. With everyone participating, this caused many difference examples and changes in the arrangements. In conclusion, seven very attractive floral designs resulted.
A centre piece was a large heart shaped wreath base, covered in a mass of yellow chrysanthemums.
Beth Wykes was demonstrator for the meeting, and it had previously been arranged to illustrate florist ribbons and bows that could be used in arrangements or on gift boxes. All shared the exercise and many succeeded in making floral art bows, for decorative purposes.
Much correspondence had accumulated over the recess period, Cancer Council sent a heartfelt thank you; invitations were received to a Camellia Show at Bilpin, NSW in August- November; Bathurst Spring Spectacular in October 2019; 2018 Westpac Helicopter Service magazine and the January 2019 newsletter from the Queensland Floral Art Society; The Garden Club autumn issue was also received and distributed to members and also invited interested members to join their trip to Norfolk Island to tour gardens in October 2019, mainly the “Music Valley”.
Simple mechanics is used in flower arranging and lead pin holders and ever popular oasis or floral foam. A Floral artist is always on the lookout for unusual containers.
A reminder to members that the next meeting will be held on February 28 and will have a nominated demonstrator. All are welcome.
Freda Johnson