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Grafton Floral Art Society

During July Race Week the Grafton Floral Art Society held a very successful and colourful floral display at Grafton Shopping World; our thanks to the management and staff at the complex for their assistance during the carnival.

The display has become popular with the general public and visitors socialising with the racing industry and received many favourable comments.

A monster raffle was held, organised in conjunction with the display, and first draw being a laundry basket full of groceries valued a $100, the lucky winner was Michael Skennar ticket 17C, second draw was a delightful dainty floral basket was won by Sue Brown, ticket G15 and third draw to M Skennar ticket G51, a $30 platter of fruit and vegetables. As the display coincided with the usual meeting date the AGM was postponed to July 25 (which will also have a nominated demonstrator).

An invitation is extended to everyone to join the Floral Art Society, which supports the Westpac Helicopter and the society holds successful Cancer Council Morning Tea. Members also participate in the “Festival of Flowers”, held during the Jacaranda Week.

Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, commencing at 10am at the Whitehouse meeting room, 128 Prince Street Grafton.

Lyn Hayman