As March 14 was the first meeting for the month, president Lyn opened the meeting and extended a warm welcome to all in attendance. Apologies were rendered on behalf of Beth and Margaret and were accepted.
Much business was tabled, as looming on the horizon, is the Grafton Agricultural Show and the Society’s Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea, to be held on May 10.
As in previous two years, the Cancer Councils Morning Tea will be held at the Joan Muir Community Centre in Turf Street, Grafton. President Lyn had received communications from the executive of the Cancer Council, and she advised all that contact from the Council with the Society would be made with her. This should prove to be an advantage in relation to regular communications.
As the exercise for the meeting was “Fabulous Foliage”, members arrived with containers and buckets of foliage, and after little tuition members completed eight free expression designs. All exercises featured height and depth. Doreen produced two spectacular designs featuring long shaped stems and another with rolled foliage.
Space in a design helps create the desired shape and is as important as the plant material. Once again foliage is the flower arranger’s greatest asset.
A reminder to members that the next meeting will be held on March 28, with a nominated demonstrator and when more concrete arrangements will be made re the Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea fund raiser.
Freda Johnson