The monthly meeting on Friday June 14 saw 18 members in attendance and five apologies were accepted.
On Wednesday June 12 six of our members attended Maclean CWA for their International Day and the country of study 2019 is Papua New Guinea. International officer Helena McConnelly gave an introduction speech on the country of study; then introduced the Pacific Valley Christian School to present a power point presentation on PNG. The students made a wonderful presentation on their lifestyle, geographical landscape, food and education. This topic had been well researched by the children.
Guest speaker on the day was Marianne Witzig who has been a liaison officer working for the PNG Prime Ministers Department for the past twenty years, improving the life style for the people of PNG, which include health, free education, free boarding school for students who have to travel afar, and for those people who are eligible for pensions. Now that the government and their workers have advanced technology, pensions are no longer handed out to the wrong person.
Guest speaker for our monthly meeting Brett Salquist physiotherapist spoke on the physical, dietary, rest and sleeping patterns and falls prevention for the elderly. We were encouraged to make an appointment to be assessed by the physiotherapy staff and attend the falls prevention six-week course which is available free of charge.
On Friday June 21 Grafton CWA will be holding their International Day at St. Mathews Hall at 11.30am; if you wish to attend you may contact Barbara Rediger 0411 718 301 and we will make you most welcome.
The next CWA meeting will be held in our Duke Street rooms Friday July 12 with morning tea served at 9.30am and the meeting will commence at 10am. Ladies if you wish to join us come along you will be made most welcome.
Handicraft mornings are held on 2nd and 4th Monday at 9.30am at our Duke Street rooms.
Carol Smith