With the warmer weather now upon us, our Op Shop is stocked with lots of cool, comfy clothes for everyone. Babies, children, ladies and gents’ clothes for any occasion – swimmers for the holidays or that special outfit for the Jaca Ball, also lots of shoes and accessories to complete your outfit. So, call in and chat to our volunteers who will be happy to help you.
We are pleased to announce our Mad Hatters/ Fashion Parade morning tea raised over $3,200 which will go to purchase more much needed equipment for the Grafton Hospital. Thank you once again to the community for your support.
Next on our agenda will be a new experience for us, we will be having a stall at the Jacaranda Retrofest on Sunday October 29, from 10am. We are looking forward to a great day and a chance to relive our younger days. Hope to see you there and we will have lots of retro clothing available.
We have also booked in our Christmas morning tea at the CRJC for Wednesday December 6. We will have more info at a later date. It has been a very busy 2023 and has just flown by.
Our next monthly meeting will be 1.30pm on Wednesday October 25 at GDSC. Anyone wishing to join our Grafton Branch UHA will be welcome to come along for a cuppa and a chat.
Julie Smith