Last Sunday we were so lucky to view a couple of gardens down river. They were both a piece of paradise with orchids, Heliconias, palms, gingers, ferns and lots of mosaics and bird baths.
Such a peaceful and beautiful part of the Clarence Valley. Big thanks to both our hosts and the morning tea was fantastic. Just a couple of small showers then the sun popped out again.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday April 6 at the Joan Muir Centre, 194 Turf St Grafton from 10am to midday and $2 entry at door to cover the venue.
Please bring morning tea to share if you are able.
We will have our ‘Bring and Buy’ table so if you have some plants, cuttings or produce you would like to donate, they are greatly appreciated. A guest speaker will also be with us on the day.
Hope you can make it.
Jane Rhodes