Even with all the restrictions that we have to contend with the club is just going from strength to strength, with no less than 40 players turning up to take on the front nine on Sunday, and looking at the scores handed in, the players are starting to get on top of the course.
The best score of the day went to Wendy Gibbs with a fine 25 points, followed by Max Bonnor and Di Alderman with 22 points. They were closely followed by Meredith Corrigan, Bob McFarlane and Dally Clark with 21 points and Rip Miller, Dave Lynch, Dave Anderson, Marilyn McFarlane and Peter Johnson all with 20 points.
It was interesting to see that three out of the top four scores were handed in by our lady members and I think that the trend may very well continue, well done ladies.
I have a feeling that the handicapper will have another busy week trimming a shot or two off a few of our members, again, personally I have lost three shots in three weeks and all I have to show for it is a couple of golf balls.
I would like to take a moment to congratulate the Grafton Golf Club on the condition of the course, with all the varying weather conditions that we have had over the last few months, from drought to heavy rain and big winds I think the club has done an outstanding job in presenting the course in such great condition and I think it can only get better.
Next Sunday May 3 we will tackle the back nine with the first Stroke event of the year, keep an eye out for Jason’s text re start times.
Dave Lynch