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GDSC Westlawn Golf
There were nearly as many scratchings as starters on Sunday due to the rain, I did not realise that golfers were so much like racehorses and many do not like heavy going. It might have something to do with where we play.
The best score of the day was 34 points shared by winners Dave Tasker and Peter Chessell and runners-up Nathan Blanch and Wilson Burn, closely followed by Peter Curd and Joe Armstrong with 33 points. Considering the format of the game where you multiply your points with your partner’s, the scores were pretty low, but if you score a three or four pointer and your partner wipes the hole you end up with zero. It is a game that really does test the friendship.
There were three Waterboys from Sunday, Ron Jenkin on the 2nd, Russ Tangye on the 1st and Dally Clark on the 8th, welcome to the club gentlemen.
Don’t forget our AGM will be held next Sunday after the game, upstairs at the GDSC starting at 11am with nibbles and refreshments being served at around 12 noon.
Next Sunday is a Single Stableford event. Starters will be J Ellis and W Hambly with G Mallison and TBA to handle the results.
Sunday, October 2 will be a Stroke event for the Steve and Allan Carnley sponsored monthly medal. Starters will be C Doggett and D Lynch with K Ellem and N Winters to handle the results.
Don’t forget our trip to Evans Head is on October 23, start getting your brownie points together now. Dave Lynch