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GDSC Westlawn Golf
A good field took to the fairways on Sunday for a Stableford event for the final round of the Grafton Motor Group trophy.
The best score of the was a fair 21 points shared by no less than 5 players, Dave Tasker, Dave Lynch, Paul McFarlane, Noel Reeves and Alan Atkinson, closely follow by Trevor Shinn 20 points and Nathan Blanch and Charlie Husking with 19. Nice golf guys but I am not too sure people were very happy with all the count backs.
After three rounds of play for the Grafton Motor Group trophy there was another count back required to separate Alan Atkinson and Dave Lynch who both finished with 61 points with Alan coming out on top after the 18 hole count back 42 points to 41, congratulations Alan.
The Waterboys memberships are coming thick and fast of late with another seven taken out on Sunday. John Ellis on the 7th, Alan Commerford 7th, John Blanch 4th, John Dick 4th, Terry Ord 9th and Russell Finch on the 1st twice. Russell also owned up to going into the water on the 1st the week before, also twice. Welcome to the club gentlemen.
The top 16 qualifiers for the match play knock-out have been sorted out and the list will be posted at the GDSC as well as out at the club house and the first round has to be completed by the end of March. It is up to you to organise with your opponent when you are able to play your game.
Next Sunday is our trip away to Tenterfield for 9 holes on Saturday and 18 holes on Sunday. The bus will leave the GDSC at 7am sharp, there are still a couple of seats available but you had better get in touch with Wilson ASAP if you would like to go.
Sunday March 6 will be a Stroke event for the Monthly Medal sponsored in memory of Ross Baldwin. Starters will be N Reeves and G McInerney with G Mallison and D Tasker handling the results. Dave Lynch