
Front-end landfill revolution


The Clarence Valley Independent’s lead story (21/11/24) is great news. The introduction of an improvement to the waste management program at the Grafton Regional Landfill Facility is indeed a great step forward. 

The new front-end waste management program is expected to “substantially lower greenhouse gas emissions from landfill.”

Today more parents and grandparents are greatly concerned about our rapidly changing climate, the greatest challenge our children and grandchildren have inherited from the way we now live.

So how about an even better front-end approach than just managing the waste we produce? Why not minimise the amount of waste you generate to ensure you dump less waste in landfill sites?

How do you generate less waste that ends up in landfill sites in our beautiful Clarence Valley?

The future for your children and grandchildren depends on the choices you make; so just have a look at what you buy and what you do with these products when you’ve finished with them.

How many products you choose to buy today are durable products that you reuse again and again?

How many products you buy today are repairable so that you can continue to use them again and again? 

Products such as bread are packaged in extremely durable plastic bags and when you’ve eaten your loaf of bread, you have one very smart choice for your bread bag, just turn it inside out and next time you go to your supermarket reuse that plastic bread bag for your fruit and vegies.

Your children and grandchildren will be delighted in your front-end approach that ensures you dump less waste in landfill sites.


Harry Johnson, Iluka