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Former visitor information centre remains vacant
Geoff Helisma |
At last week’s Clarence Valley Council meeting, councillors unanimously declined two separate offers to purchase the former visitor information centre located on the highway at South Grafton.
Councillors also “noted correspondence received regarding a proposal to lease” the building, which generally means that no further action will be taken.
Each of the three items was heard in a confidential session.
Mayor Jim Simmons tabled the offer to lease the building in a mayoral minute.
“I have received correspondence from Tony Campbell, McKimms Real Estate Grafton, regarding an expression of interest (EOI) to lease the former Visitor Information Centre at South Grafton,” he wrote in his minute.
“…Mr Campbell asked that the ‘Commercial-in-Confidence’ EOI be considered by Councillors at the meeting today.
“A copy of the EOI is included as a confidential attachment to the Mayoral Minute.”
There is no more information available to the public on the matter.