North Coast

Flood recovery for northern communities in focus

Flood-ravaged towns in the state’s north are now into recovery mode, and NSW Farmers is encouraging the agricultural sector to reach out for help where needed.

NSW Farmers Dairy Committee Chair Colin Thompson said there were some practical things that needed to be done as communities moved into the clean-up and recovery phase, such as safely surveying damage and disposing of stock in an appropriate manner.

“Picking up the pieces after something like this can be tough stuff even for those who have spent their whole lives on the land, but it’s really important to do things properly and safely both for yourself and your neighbours,” Mr Thompson said.

“The Department of Primary Industries and Local Land Services have put things in place to assist flood-affected farmers and land managers across NSW.

“Any farmers affected by this flooding should call the Agricultural and Animal Services emergency hotline on 1800 814 647 to request assistance with livestock assessment and veterinary support, emergency fodder where access allows, and euthanasia and burial if required.”

The NSW Government’s Agricultural and Animal Services has established a state coordination centre to oversee the response and work with affected landholders, with local control centres at Grafton, in the Hunter, on the South Coast and in Sydney.

“While the focus has been quite rightly on evacuation and keeping people safe and warm, we’re going to need to inspect and assist stock and properties very soon,” Mr Thompson said.

“Farmers affected by the floods should complete the NSW Department of Primary Industries natural disaster damage survey as soon as it’s safe so the government can get a good idea of what’s needed and where.

“In the course of getting back onto your place if you find stranded animals or wildlife, contact the authorities and help get them back where they belong – it’s really critical you do the right thing because there are legal responsibilities around the treatment of animals and the disposal of carcasses.

“This is tough, but we have gotten through this sort of thing before and together we’ll do it again.”

If you require assistance due to flood and storm emergencies, please phone NSW SES, 132 500. In life-threatening emergencies call 000 (triple zero).

  • Please call the Agricultural and Animal Services emergency hotline, 1800 814 647, to request assistance with livestock assessment and veterinary support, emergency fodder where access allows, and euthanasia and burial if required.
    • Animal owners and managers have a legal responsibility to ensure that disposal of carcasses does not adversely affect the environment. Visit and search “disposing of deceased stock” for more detailed advice.
  • The natural disaster damage survey can be found at  

If you find injured wildlife, please contact WIRES on 1300 094 737 (13000 WIRES)