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The official opening of the JABIRU Gallery in Yamba. Images: Lynne Mowbray

First Peoples art gallery opens in Yamba

Lynne Mowbray | There were celebrations in Yamba on Saturday, for the official opening of the JABIRU Gallery, the Clarence Valley’s First Peoples art gallery. The JABIRU Gallery is an initiative of CRANES Community Support Programs Yamba, to acknowledge and showcase the creative artworks of the Clarence Valley’s First People artists. Those attending were treated to a glass of bubbly along with an array of bush tucker inspired canapés. Yaegl elder Aunty Lillian Williams who gave the welcome to country expressed the importance of what country means to them. “It’s important to teach our little ones what country is all about and about our beautiful river running out to the sea,” Aunty Lillian said. “There is so much talent amongst our people and (the art works displayed at this gallery) will be an eye opener to everyone who comes here,” she said. The JABIRU Gallery is located at 31 Coldstream Street, Yamba. For more information contact CRANES on 6642 7257.
Artist Danielle Gorogo with her acrylic on canvas artwork titled ‘Stories In Country’.
Yaegl elder Aunty Lillian Williams and Dorothy Pholi of Grafton.
Yaegl elder Aunty Lillian Williams
Joe Walker said that he has been an artist all of his life and he loves to paint and draw. Joe said that he enjoys it and does it for the love of it. Joe happily displays one his painted solar powered decorative lights.