Lynne Mowbray |
The crew from the Maclean Fire + Rescue NSW (FRNSW) held their open day at the Maclean Community Markets on Saturday morning.
It was an opportunity for the community to have a closer look at the fire truck and view the equipment used by our local firies.
There were plenty of giveaways for the children as well as the opportunity to climb up and check out inside fire truck.
A demonstration was performed by the crew using a ‘Kitchen Fire Simulator’ which showed the right and wrong ways to deal with a kitchen fire.
Cooking oil was heated in a saucepan to a point where it caught on fire. The team demonstrated to the crowd of onlookers, exactly why you never attempt to use water to extinguish the flames. The small quantity of water added to the flames, caused a mini inferno, to the surprise of onlookers.