Despite the torrential and very welcome rain, U3A members turned up in large numbers last Saturday to re-enrol for this year’s programs and to enrol in some of our new offerings.
It looks like ‘Pickleball’ will be a big hit (pun intended). It was also a great chance to meet and greet over a delicious morning tea. Your group leaders will contact you regarding starting dates and times of programs once the group lists have been finalised.
Have you heard some interesting family stories handed down from your grandparents? Not sure if they are true, but would like to find out? Think you might have some skeletons in the family cupboard, but are afraid to open the door? Then our U3A group, ‘Family History for Absolute Beginners’ might be the group for you. We will meet once a month for 6 months at Maclean Library, starting in March, and learn how to trace your family history starting with you. No previous knowledge needed, we will start from the very beginning, using the vast amount of information available on the internet, including databases such as Ancestry and Find My Past. We will meet on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Maclean Library at 2pm. If interested please contact Nicole at
For more information on CRU3A, go to
Laura O’Brien