The Clarence River Masters Swim Club celebrated their year’s successes at their AGM held at the Yamba Surf Club on December 8 and continuing the celebration at their Christmas party at the Yamba Pool.
President, Jane Lawrence, proudly awarded the Clubs new referee, Lynne Johnston, with her referee certificate. Lynne recently officiated at the International Pan Pacific Games at the swimming event over 4 days with 10 hours every day; well done Lynne.
Club member, Ken Adams, achieved his starter’s certificate.
In the progressive Branch point score for Masters Swim Australia the 75 member strong Club is currently in Div 2, placing 1st from 13 Clubs.
During the year the Clarence River Swim Club Carnival had 100 swim entries for the June Carnival. The event brings swimmers from all over NSW and interstate, swimmers enjoy the competition and camaraderie.
The CRMS enjoyed many social gatherings, breakfasts out and dinners after training and camping and swimming at Copeton Dam, Inverell, for the “Swim with Altitude”.
Our Club (with the local Junior Swimming Club), built a shed for storage at the Yamba Community Pool complex. CRMS Club enjoys a good relationship with the Yamba Surf Club and members volunteer their time to do surf patrols, education, first aid and water safety.
President Jane praised her team saying “the committee has worked very hard this year to provide a good Club, with fun, friendship and fitness of our members. Thank you to all those who volunteer and help in any way, thank you to all the coaches who provide great programs and encouragement. At the end of another successful year I would like to say thank you and wish you all a Merry Christmas and may 2019 be a fantastic year.”
The Yamba Pool Christmas party held on December 11 was well attended with members enthusiastically participating in the games and relays. Cheating was optional and no one seemed to care if they were DQ’d (disqualified); it was all good fun.
The Christmas break’s last day of training is December 22 and resumes in Maclean on January 2 and Yamba on the January 3. New members are always welcome, contact Jane Lawrence on 0419 460 282 for further information. Members are reminded it is now time to renew your Masters Swim membership.
Gai Pritchett