Community News
Educating Students for the Brightest of Futures
What’s our moral purpose at St Joseph’s Maclean? To ensure that every student entrusted to us in education has every opportunity to reach their full potential and ensure they have a bright future in whatever field they may choose to follow.
To ensure this happens we dedicate as “sacred, uninterrupted time” learning in Literacy and Numeracy. Literacy and Numeracy blocks are timetabled in the first half of the day when students are fresh and at their most point of engagement. It is our moral responsibility to ensure all our students are reading and writing and problem solving well and demonstrating growth in these areas. To back this up we also offer tiered intervention to all students who need a boost to achieve their best after this time. This is extra tuition in reading, writing or maths delivered by expertly staff trained to look for students needs in these particular areas of learning.
We wrap our lessons in a Catholic Worldview and highlight the scriptures, social teaching and foundational values to accomplish our goals for all our students as highly effective people who reflect Christian values in what they say and do. Through this our students are empowered to live as good Christian people. St Joseph’s ensures the delivery of a rich curriculum permeated with Christ centred learning.
If you would like to know more about our school, please call in and meet with the principal or ask for an organised learning tour.
Little Joeys is also a great way of getting your child connected prior to primary school by attending this transition class every Friday. Call us on 66452340 to learn more about this program.
For the best education engaging in the head, the heart and the hands of every student to enable them to life their life to the fullest connect with St Joseph’s Maclean.
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