This coming Sunday January 13, the 2019 program of the Yamba Country Music Musters held at the Bowlo gets under way. Again it is a Sunday away from our regular fourth Sunday of the month event, but is held now in the week prior to the festivities in Tamworth.
Doug Leibke is slotted in as our guest artist for the day. Doug, a very polished performer has held the guest spot previously, at which time the audience requested a return visit. If you appreciate good music, do come along, you will not be disappointed.
Also in the mix on Sunday Lyn and Colin Johnson, ‘Check 2’ will be along to drum up support for a bus trip to Lismore’s Country Carna on January 27. We do already have a number of people interested in the trip, leaving Yamba at 9am, return after 5pm from Lismore. The bus fare is $20 per head, no entry fee, and lunch at your own expense.
This write up cannot conclude without mention of the fantastic final program for2018 that was enjoyed at the Bowlo on December 9. John Lynch as guest was right up there with the best of them, but the lineup of walkups was something else again, with 15 in number and covering an area from Sawtell to the Sunshine Coast and out to Tenterfield represented; most appreciated the chance to perform five or six songs each (let alone the musical backing that they received). Another gauge of the appreciation of the music was the 30 line dancers, who would have all slept well on Sunday night.
O/K we do it all again on Sunday, come on down to the coast for the day, noon till 4pm, hang around for the evening, or head off home in daylight, the choice is yours, but just do come.
Graeme Routson