Rodney Stevens
Candidates in the 2024 Local Government Elections have just 9 days left to submit their profiles to be included in the Clarence Valley Independent’s coverage.
In the lead up to the September 14 poll, the Clarence Valley Independent will be publishing profiles of all candidates, followed by a series of questions and answers.
This is an ideal, free opportunity for candidates to introduce themselves, their platform, and policies to the more than 38,000 enrolled voters in the Clarence Valley.
Voting is compulsory for enrolled adults in the NSW Local Government election, the penalty for not voting in NSW is currently $55.
Nine councillors will be elected to steer Clarence Valley Council for the next four years, with nominations officially opening on Monday, August 5, and closing at 12 noon on Wednesday, August 14.
When this week’s deadline was reached there were 13 candidates registered with the NSW Electoral Commission, James Allan, Andrew Baker, Amanda Brien, Lynette Cairns, Shane Causley, Justin James, Peter Johnstone, Terry Jones, Steve Pickering, Des Schroder, Raymond Smith, Allison Whaites, and Cristie Yager.
So far, the CV Independent has received profiles from Cristie Yager, Des Schroder, Greg Clancy, Andrew Baker, James Allen, and Steve Pickering.
All candidates are encouraged to send a 350-word profile, photos, and contact details to by close of business on Friday, August 16, to be included in our coverage in the August 21 edition.