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CVC beach access policy review generates heat
Geoff Helisma |
Clarence Valley Council (CVC) is currently calling for submissions regarding its policy for beach access and vehicles on beaches.
There are discussions underway on various Facebook groups, where differing views are posted.
Sections of the Brooms Head community – some of whom met over the weekend – have expressed their frustration, particularly over the past Christmas holiday season, regarding the high level of vehicular traffic on their beach.
One resident, Trudy Mullally, is encouraging people to “to lodge submissions with the council, opposing vehicles being permitted on the Brooms Head beach”.
“Please share with anyone you feel would be concerned about the impact these vehicles are having on the safety and amenity of this beach, which has traditionally been used by generations of families for passive recreation like swimming, walking, picnics, playing and cycling by children, parents, grandparents and pets, all of which is not compatible with a [beach] highway,” she said.
Meanwhile, on the Iluka NSW Community – General Information and Noticeboard Facebook site, the developer of the recently approved proposed surf and yoga resort, Derk Vdbent, has posted a survey of sorts, asking people to vote on: Yes, the current system works, keep beaches accessible to 4×4 vehicles; or, No, ban vehicles from our beaches.
At the time of writing, the ‘yes’ vote was 57 and the ‘no’ vote was two.
However, making submissions to the policy review does not boil down to voting yes or no; there is far more to consider.
To find out what, download the document from CVC’s website in the ‘currently on exhibition’ page.
Submissions close at 4pm on Friday August 10.
Submissions clearly marked ‘Beach Access and Vehicles on Beaches Policy’ can be forwarded in writing to: Clarence Valley Council, Locked Bag 23, Grafton 2460; or email to:
For more information contact Reece Luxton, NRM and Projects co-ordinator, on 6641 7241.