
Croquet at the Yamba Bowlo

We’re back!  We trust you have caught up on all your chores at home and are ready for some more croquet games.  After our month away with the lockdown, it was great to see 24 of our group turn out on Wednesday September 15 to enjoy the social play.  


Three sets of games were played to the bell and dealing with a windy spring morning on the greens, it didn’t dampen the enthusiasm and some close scoring games were noted and the winners were: Graham/Meg, Pam/John, Mal/Janis, Gail/June tied a game with Oliver/Libby, Andrew/Meg, Russell/Margaret, David/John, Fay/Leigh, Andrew/Chris, Margaret/Ray, Gail/Beryl, Rosemary/Russell, Mal/David, June/Fay, Gail/Oliver. 

Spies tell me Russell had a challenge from Janis and he pipped her on the post to win the game.

Fay passed the Sheriff’s badge on to Andrew with his running a hoop and it on the windy corner, well done. Our rainbow pole gathered four lots of tokens this week, thank you. 

Hope to see you same time same place next week.

Fay Church