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Centre manager Melanie Lamb shows off the state of art workstation room, at the centre.

Country Universities Centre opening soon

Lynne Mowbray |

Grafton is about to open its new Country Universities Centre within the next few weeks which will create an abundance of opportunity for the Clarence Valley community.

The centre is located at 164 Pound Street (the old Red Cross Centre), Grafton and is next door to the Grafton Library – opposite the Coles.

The Country Universities Centre Clarence Valley (CUC CV) is the eighth centre to be opened in NSW; providing rural, regional and remote tertiary educational opportunities for our local communities.

CUC CV Centre manager Melanie Lamb said that no longer will students need to leave the Clarence Valley to obtain access to a university.

“The CUC CV is an open learning centre, called a Regional Study Hub, where students studying any online, distance Ed or off-campus degree, through any university in Australia, can study in our centre with the support of CUC staff,” Melanie said.

“We provide academic support, wellbeing support, technological support, administrative guidance and support for academic pathways. We also provide a well-equipped centre with high-speed internet, life size video conferencing facilities, exam room access and a social networking environment for students to collaborate.

“No longer do students, whether they are school leavers or mature-age students, (have to) feel that they need to study in isolation in their homes.

“The centre is accessible, with a personalised swipe card, from 7am until midnight daily, and the Centre manager will be available during office hours and by appointment for additional support as needed by the students.

“There is no cost for registration or attendance at the centre, as this Centre is currently and funded by our Federal and State government bodies who acknowledge the need for educational opportunities in our Clarence Valley region. We are very lucky to be the chosen community for this facility and we hope that the community sees the value in the centre and utilises the centre for its intended purpose of positive academic opportunity, in our community.

“This facility has come about through the brainchild of Duncan Taylor, from Cooma (Snowy Monaro Regional Council area). He has done considerable voluntary work collating submissions, grants and proposals to various government bodies to get this CUC network off the ground and his work has expanded across many years. The Snowy Monaro (CUC) centre has been in operation for around four years.

“Duncan Taylor met with our community member Michael Rowe, who has brought the heart and soul of this centre to Grafton. Michael and his partner, Fiona Leviny have dedicated many voluntary hours towards the progress of the Centre, along with a community Board of Directors including Scott Monaghan, Mark Dougherty, Warren Steele, Ashley Lindsey, Adam Smith, Meghanne Wellard and Johanna Tarrant. The Board of Directors including Fiona and Michael have worked with Col and Merv Smidt, to refurbish the old Red Cross Centre into the absolute perfection that now exists as the CUC Clarence Valley.

“The Centre is distinctly titled “Country UniversitiesCentre Clarence Valley”and although it is located in Grafton, the opportunity stretches far wider to the Clarence Valley community,” she said.

Melanie said that she is currently located at the Centre and is available for expressions of interest and registration chats. (Contact details below)

“The Centre is absolutely beautiful, fresh and clean and homely and a perfect learning environment for anyone wishing to study, without the distractions of home,” Melanie said.

“Anyone studying a university course in Australia is eligible to access the Centre. This includes full time and part time studying and students home on holidays with their families, for casual use. This also includes local TAFE students; strictly after TAFE hours are closed. We are not in competition with TAFE, we support the TAFE to allow extended study hours to their students,” she said.

For more information contact: Melanie Lamb – 0457 059 064 or email: