
Councillors position on landfill?


Harry Johnson’s letter (CVI 3/7/24) hit the nail right on the head, re the likelihood of rises to our insurance policies due to the decisions made by CVC and NRPP on DA’s and continuing approval of landfill where it should never be approved, and this has been going on in excess of 3 years.

To take Harry’s letter further, all ratepayers and residents in the Clarence LGA need to start lobbying or at least enquiring of their Councillors what their position is regarding landfill in respect of development applications before we are all left with uninsurable properties.

If this should happen, do we the people of Grafton and Yamba have the option of class action against CVC and/or NRPP for full restitution for our properties should, or when the next flood occurs, owing to the scurrilous decisions they have made on ground close to our properties?  Before the landfill commenced Yamba never had a flood problem.

Wendy Flitcroft, Yamba