From the Newsroom

Councillor Greg Clancy. Image: file photo

Councillor wants bullying investigation released

Rodney Stevens

Clarence Valley Councillors have voted unanimously to note the Audit, Risk, and Improvement Committee’s annual report for 2023/2024, but one councillor spoke out against legislation preventing a report about an investigation by the committee being made public.

Clarence Valley Council’s Audit, Risk, and Improvement committee ARIC provides independent assurance, oversight, and assistance to Council on risk management, control, governance, internal audit, organisational performance, and external responsibilities in an advisory capacity.

The committee is comprised of Chair, Neville Parsons, committee members Barry Ford, Christine Tyler, and Cr Steve Pickering.

When allegations of bullying of Council staff arose last year, the committee was tasked with doing an investigation into these claims and to report back to the Council about its findings.

At the August 27 Clarence Valley Council meeting, Cr Greg Clancy said he was very disappointed that the investigation into the staff issues has not been made public and he thought that it should have been.

“I just wanted to get that on the record that I oppose the fact that it was kept confidential,” he said.

Cr Karen Toms said she needed to make it clear for the people in the gallery and watching online that due to legislation the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee investigation cannot be made public.

“I’m disappointed that Cr Clancy is quite happy to be upset that we’re not following legislation,” she said.

Cr Clancy said he was not happy with the legislation.

Cr Clancy moved the council officer’s recommendation which was seconded by Cr Debrah Novak that Council notes the Audit, Risk, and Improvement Committee Annual Report 2023/2024.

The motion was carried unanimously.