Community News

Companions of Caroona Auxiliary

Companions of Caroona Auxiliary held their monthly meeting May 9 following a Mothers’ Day fashion parade for the residents. This was so much fun and Auxiliary members along with the residents’ had a great afternoon. The bridal wear was modelled beautifully and was so interesting. “Max” had so many beautiful brides on his arm. Lots of lucky doors were won by residents. Attendance at meeting was up and I thank all for coming. Following on from our mystery trip which was held on a meeting date, it was decided to hold the meetings at Caroona Uniting on alternate months and have fellowship with members at other venues as a social outing. Meeting agreed with this and first afternoon get-together will be June 6 due to 2nd Monday of month being a long weekend. This will be held at the Yamba Bowling Club commencing 2pm. Please let Joy know if you will be attending so booking can be made. The Residents’ meeting will have representatives attend their meeting each month, so that the Auxiliary know of their wish list. At last meeting, punch bowls were requested for their happy hours and this was granted by Auxiliary members. Also, my thanks to Carol for taking April meeting in my absence and for the work her friends did on bedspreads. Also, it was decided to purchase some colourful pots to place our donated artificial plants in and place them in appropriate places so they can be admired. Next meeting/outing will be held June 6 at Yamba Bowling Club and July 11 will be our AGM at Caroona Uniting commencing 2pm. Please make an effort to attend and new members are made very welcome with membership only $5 per year. Joy Lauder