
Come join Yamba Parkrun

When Parkrun commenced in Yamba at Ford Park four years ago everybody thought this was a sport for young people to run 5K; to gain the fastest time, to get a personal best every time they ran and beat the field home every Saturday morning. This is far from the situation.

Yamba Parkrun committee want to promote the sport, from all ages 9 to 90, and welcome more elderly people to come and take part at 7am on a Saturday morning and join the ranks of the happiest and friendliest people in Yamba. Come and walk with us at your own pace and have a chat on the way around the picturesque course at Ford Park, and when you cross the line to a rousing applause, chances are you will be back the following week.

Yamba Parkrun (like most sport) is run by volunteers who turn up every Saturday morning to do what they do to best, make sure everyone gets a run or walk. Two of those volunteers who start the early shift are Rick and Dale Lindsay from Maclean set the course so it is easy to follow and to make sure no one gets lost. If you feel like having ago at volunteering put your name on the list and you will be made welcome by all the participants.