
What a beautiful place to learn to row, our latest learn to row participant, Ken Woodward (third from left), with experienced rowers, Keith Wright and Nick Reeve, and ‘Learn to Row’ coach Marion White, balancing the boat. Whilst you learn, all club boats contain one of our accredited Rowing Australia coaches. Image: Contributed

Come and Try Rowing Day

The Clarence River is the perfect place to gather a group of friends and get on the water. Grafton Rowing Club is holding a free, no obligation ‘Come and Try Rowing Day’. Anyone can join the Grafton Rowing Club, no matter what fitness or ability level they are currently at. The rowing club provides the opportunity for individuals to row recreationally for fun and fitness, and/or for those who want to row competitively to achieve their personal best. The sport of rowing also provides participants with valuable life skills such as goal setting, discipline, friendships and belonging, teamwork. This activity is suitable for all adults and school children grades 7 – 12, who must be able to swim 50 metres or more. Saturday, March 3, 8am – 11am. Cost is free. Bring a hat and water bottle, and don’t forget your sun screen. If you decide that rowing is for you then you will be offered a six week learn to row course at a cost of $50, which is deducted from your membership should you choose to join Grafton Rowing Club. Live out of town and want to row before work – no worries – once you have completed your learn to row course we can give you a mentor to row with before work. The clubhouse which is located the river end of Prince Street; Grafton is equipped with showers and toilets, also a kitchen if you wish to make breakfast. Contact:,, or phone Margie 6642 3332. Marion White