Over 30 women gathered at Iluka library to celebrate International Women’s Day on Tuesday March 5 with Auntie Rosie Vesper talking about bush tucker and a very interesting presentation from Jennifer Rowe on how Australia’s first people have been portrayed as simple hunters and gatherers but were in fact farmers.
The hunters and gatherers stories have taken over from the farming stories because gathering was all that was left once the land was taken away. A wonderful talk by Rebecca from community health made us think about how we should tune into our stomachs and Nicki Holmes recounted how she came to the Clarence and opened one of the most successful restaurants on the North Coast, at Chatsworth Island.
These talks were presented in a venue that was decorated with flowers, beautiful table settings, elegant tea sets and gold cutlery all provided by Shelby and Jean. A range of delicious food, including wattle seed cake, lemon myrtle rice balls, mini quiche, club sandwiches, individual sticky date puddings and lemon cream cups was enjoyed by everyone. Jenn made a gramma pie in memory of Auntie Carmel Charlton. One of the highlights of the day was the sharing of recipes by women around the tables. Laughter and tears abounded at the family stories that emerged, showing that women and food are an integral part of a healthy community. Iluka is only a small town but its wealth of talent and enthusiasm outshines many larger towns.
Susan Howland