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Clarence Valley Past President’s Association (Bowls)

  Wednesday August 16 Twenty-two members were present at Maclean for this event. Twelve of these played bowls making up three rinks of pairs. Lunch was at the Chinese Restaurant with a choice of Chinese and Australian meals available. Game winners – May Ford & Lyn Olsson; runner up – Pat Donaldson & Daph Robson. Competition winners: Nola Watson, Carol Newman, Lyn Olsson, Noelle Graham, Pam Lollback, Marj Davis, Lorraine Eggins. The AGM resulted in the following office bearers being elected. Patron – May Ford; President – Heather Nichols; Vice Presidents – Colleen Kane, Gail Cupples;Secretary – Noelle Graham; Treasurer – Daph Robson; Publicity Officer – Carol Newman; Bowls Organiser – Lyn Olsson; Committee – Joan Gebetsberger, Beryl Neilson. Our next meeting date will be for Christmas lunch on November 15 at Yamba.   Evelyn Triffitt