Community News
Clarence Valley Fibromyalgia Support Group
Our last meeting was held in January, we were delighted to welcome two new members. We were all pleased to be able to share and support each other.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder, with wide spread muscle pain, fatigue and multiple tender spots. Sleep disturbance, morning stiffness, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, painful menstrual periods, numbing-tingling of the extremities, restless leg syndrome, temperature sensitivity and cognitive memory problems [Fibro Fog], are known symptoms.
The causes are unknown, sometimes it comes after a physically or emotionally stressful or traumatic experience, such as a car accident, death, cancer, divorce, illness or surgery.
It can be linked to rheumatoid arthritis and auto-immune disease like lupus.
People with Fibromyalgia lack the deep restorative level of sleep called non-rapid-eye movement, that’s why we wake in the morning, not feeling fully rested. Some people wake in the morning with muscle aches as if they have been working out all night.
We are all trying to control some level of neuropathic pain. Fibromyalgia can hide problems and it can magnify pain.
If you have Fibromyalgia, we would like to meet you, come join our group. We are here to support each other. If you are someone who could use a friend that understands, or feels you are not coping very well maybe we can help you. Carers are very welcome.
Our next meeting will be held at ‘Aruma’ 175 Queen Street, Grafton on March 17 at 9.30 to 12noon.
We meet the third Wednesday of each month. For more information Please ring Coleen on 6643 4050 or 0428 228 134.