
Clarence Valley Council to ‘reduce’ flood forecast


Incredibly bizarre decisions by CVC have resulted in the adoption by staff of a reduction by 680mm in the 1%AEP (previously known as the 1 in 100 year) level.

Instead of relying on what recorded levels actually occurred in 2004 and again in 2013 a theoretical calculation has resulted in a much more developer acceptable result.

The calculations are a guide and has a matrix of levels which cover variations of conditions universally at the river/sea boundary. However, it doesn’t necessarily cover all scenarios, particularly such a complex Clarence Valley catchment and delta /river mouth.

Historically recorded levels are much more reliable, as they actually happened.

The new lower 1%AEP will take effect on 1/1/2025 through changes to the local Development Control Plan which were on exhibition last September.

The normal practice of comments being summarised and tabled at a Council meeting for final approval were done away with at a meeting of the outgoing Council last July.

A previous Mayor has described the new much lower level as “ridiculous.”

An alarming incorrect assumption that during an event the Coldstream and Esk and the other creeks and tributaries would not have much water in them and could dissipate upriver water up into their catchments contributed to the lower resultant.

The General Manager has been written to regarding legal exposure to flood inundation to new homes built to the new lower requirements and, if negligence by Council is determined, direct cost to ratepayers.

The General Manager has also been advised Council cannot rely on consultants’ insurances as Council staff have accepted the incorrect assumptions made in the calculations and avoided dialogue by interested community participants at various levels.


Col Shephard, Yamba