The inaugural meeting for the travellers and the potters is next Monday July 8. ‘Pottery for Beginners’ is full but there are still places in ‘Talking Travel’ contact Anne on 6646 2644 or 0408 738 116 or to register.
On July 21 ‘Joy of Gardening’ is off to Lismore for the Car Boot Market and visits to private gardens. Contact Ros on to make a booking. Depending on numbers fare will be $10 or $15 for members and $20 for non-members (who are welcome). Owing to time restraints payment will need to be by direct debit. Pick-ups will be at depot 7:30am, Yamba opposite Centrelink 7:45, then Palmers 7:55 and Woombah 8:10.
From a nucleus of three, ‘Iluka Art Club’ first convened in members’ homes with seven members. It has now 20 members and a permanent home in the hall at Woody Head which is bursting at the seams. Next week this group looking forward to a pastel tutorial with former member Jenny Johns who has won many prizes and runs the gallery in Charles Street Iluka. This group has held displays at e.g. at Community Centre in Treelands Dr and Iluka Memorial Hall. These displays have been facilitated by the purchase of mobile display screens, made by the Men’s Shed in August 2016.
The ‘Men’s Shed’ has over 70 members with a wide range of skills and can undertake small jobs that would be too fiddly for local businesses.
‘Rummykub’ is a game of fluctuating good and bad fortune but scores are aided by concentration and planning which can of course be thwarted by the surrounding camaraderie, disruption from laughter or the laments following a wipe out. There are places with this group, the challenge of the game and the reward of spending a Wednesday morning with the Rummykub group, are a phone call away. Call Heather on 0447 491 017 and have a go
The rain is great for the garden but caused ‘Croquet’ to be cancelled on Tuesday on due to wet grounds, and it curtailed play on Friday, Richard and Di v Francis and Gail 7/3, Oliver and Dot v Beryl and Hans 7/6, Di and Gail v Francis and Richard 7/6, Beryl and Dot v Andrew and Oliver 7/6. The Clarence Croquet Challenge continues on Wednesday 3 with a return match at Yamba Bowlo.
‘Joy of Gardening’ held a great meeting on Friday, the community centre was abuzz with enthusiasts sharing their friendship and passion. Special thanks to our engaging guest speaker Brian Heath and partner Lyn, who not only gave an informative presentation about dahlias (did you know the Aztecs ate both bulbs and new shoots?) but bought lots of small goodies for us to purchase. Best wishes to them both for their new adventures in gardening. Forty two members of Lismore Garden Club were welcomed. They donated an azalea for the July raffle and morning tea treats to add to Jan’s delicacies. Competition winners were Annette McIntyre, flower of the month, Janne Clayton for floral art, Kaye Anderson pot plant and Liz Meredith for any other flower. Some of us joined our guests for lunch at the Tavern, followed by a visit to Yamba nursery and a bromeliad haven at Woombah. Thanks to Sue for her potted ferns for sale, to all who bought goodies for trading and raffle tables and finally to those stalwarts who stayed for the clean-up
‘Let’s All Sing’ performed at the Sandpipers Club in Iluka Bowling Club on Wednesday June 26. Approximately 23 singers plus 12 music stands, a piano and a piano stand, travelled by ferry not leaving much room for any other passengers. The rest went by car and all convened at the club for morning tea.
Pauline Keegan