The long weekend is coming and so is ‘The Shed Car Boot Sale’ and what a great way to start it with sausage or egg and bacon brekkie sandwich from the BBQ with a cup of hot tea or coffee. Members will be selling excess tools, hand-made wooden crafts and much more.
Outside stalls, of any nature, are welcome at a flat rate of $10 per stall (non-refundable; no commission) – but bookings are necessary; phone Pam Fleming on 6646 9954 or Doreen Plymin 6645 1843 or 0423 632 404.
Get along to the CRU3A Men’s Shed 130 Jubilee Street Townsend from 8am Saturday June 8 as all proceeds to go to buying new equipment for the Men’s and Women’s Shed.
Two new groups kicked off last week and there is another one in the next week. ‘Yamba Walks’ starts 8.30am (to 9:30) on June 6 from Yamba ferry wharf. This is a weekly Thursday morning activity with no fee. The walk is not strenuous exercise, neither is it a slow walk. Contact group leader, Anne Dinham for enrolment on 6646 2644 or 0408 738 116 or There are plenty of places available.
Wednesday night June 5, ‘Pitter Patter’ our second show is scheduled, and its ‘Yeoman of the Guard’ which will be presented by Belinda Flowers. It may be cold outside but not only will it be cosy in the Community Centre there will be drinks, nibbles and good company. For catering please advise of your intention to attend to Laura at
Get ready for ‘Talking Travel’ which is due for Monday July 8 from 4.30pm – 6.30pm at Yamba Uniting Church Angourie Road. This is not a slide night, rather an opportunity to discuss travel experiences, swap travel insights and tips, a chance to explore travel knowledge through the perception of other group members who have trodden paths which you may wish to tread.
Group leaders are Ruth Williams and Anne Dinham. Register with Anne beforehand on 6646 2644 or 0408 738 116 or or the CRU3A Fee is $3 to $5 depending on numbers. There are plenty of places in this group.
Patricia, group leader of ‘A Little Bit of Culture’ (ALBoC), is arranging for a group to go to the next production at the Criterion Theatre in Grafton. It is ‘Festive Spirit’ which is set around a typical Aussie family as they navigate that special day. The tickets are usually $20. The cost for the bus and lunch is $45, lunch at the Village Green before the show. The date is Sunday July 21. Contact Patricia at and plan your Christmas attire.
‘Music Appreciation’ will not be held on Friday 14 but in instead tune in to ‘Doug’s Classics’ on Clarence, on Sundays 5pm to 7pm on radio TLC FM frequency 100.3 or get a measure of live music at the Maclean Eisteddfod. The ‘Music Appreciation’ group sponsors the 1st & 2nd prizes of the ‘Junior Vocal Championship’; 1st prize is $100 and 2nd prize is $50. It is called the CRU3A Music Appreciation Award for the Junior Vocal Championship.
At ‘CRU3A croquet’ there were two Pennant matches, on Tuesday Gail, Fran, Beryl, Sandra, Genie and Oliver with Ros as support headed to Iluka. A great day, good company, tactical games and home ground advantage, saw Iluka victorious in all six games. Thanks to them all for a very good meeting. Then, on Friday, Gail and Hans, Oliver and Francis, Rae and Keith, played Rosemary and Mal, John and Stella, Andrew and Joy from Yamba Bowling Club. It was another good day, fine and sunny but with a biting wind. We played six games then adjourned for morning tea and hot coffees, time for a chat and catch up. Final game was played and a tight contest ended with home team 40 hoops to visitors 39. Oliver scored a hoop to hoop and Mal his first ever jump shot. Congratulations and thanks to all players. While the close fought Pennant matches were underway others played on the third green during the Pennant games. Jean and Howard were welcomed back after a break. Lucy and Howard had three wins and Jean two. After the matches everyone joined in, Morna had two hoop to hoops, and Ros a jump shot in the same game.
Pauline Keegan