“My object all sublime I shall achieve in time — To let the punishment fit the crime. Things are seldom what they seem, skim milk masquerades as cream.”
If you recognise these lines, you may be a Gilbert and Sullivan fan. If so, we have the group for you. If you don’t recognise them, now is the chance to join our musically talented hosts at the Treelands Drive Community Centre on Wednesday May 22 for a showing of the popular operetta The Mikado and find out what G & S is all about and sing along with them. Everyone is welcome. Sign on is at 6pm, with wine and nibbles. Showtime is 6.30pm with an interval between acts to finish off the wine and nibbles. Discussion and the sharing of personal anecdotes will follow and the evening will conclude with a riotous group sing along of a tune chosen by the presenter. Lyrics will be provided. You may like to dress for the occasion, either fancy dress or wear your gloves and pearls and cravats. Cost is $5. Contact Group Leader Laura O’Brien at lbobrien08@bigpond.com to register your interest and ask for further information.
Watch this column for forthcoming news of four new courses which we anticipate will commence in June – pottery, armchair travel, Thursday discussion group and Yamba walking group.
There were 50 ‘Joy of Gardening’ members and friends visited Glenrock Gardens at Tenterfield in April. A return trip is planned for this magic cold climate garden in October for the spring blossoms.
What a wonderful day members of ‘A Little Bit of Culture’ had last Tuesday. Instead of having our weekly movie/lunch day, we caught the ferry over to Iluka where we enjoyed morning tea before going to explore the Iluka Museum. What a wonderful little museum it is. Thank you to member Jane Bysher for arranging to have the museum open up just for us, as they are normally closed on a Tuesday. Thank you also to volunteer member Janet Hauser for giving up her time and for providing us with such interesting information.
We then headed off to have a look for bargains at the local Op Shop. Thanks to Nerida Lock, we had a fun time in the Op Shop. The volunteers there were doing re-stocking and the shop was closed to the public but being a local, Nerida charmed them into opening just for us. A few of us were very happy with our purchases.
We then headed up to Sedgers Reef Hotel where we enjoyed a delicious lunch and a chat before jumping on the courtesy bus back to the ferry for a lovely relaxing cruise back to Yamba.
A fun day was had by all.
Laura O’Brien