The Association held its June meeting at the Grafton District Services Club on Sunday June 2 with 21 present. Members were joined by local club members for social mixed bowls which commenced at 10am followed by lunch being taken before the meeting.
President Col Milne opened the meeting with a minute silence to remember our members who had passed away since our last meeting and to pray for those members currently in hospital or are unwell. President Col presented a card to Life Member Rex Rooke and expressed the members’ sympathy on the passing of his wife Lola.
New members Chris Albert and Ron Budden were welcomed as social members and presented with their membership badges.
Member Debbie Costello gave a short speech covering the Bear Cottage Appeal day being held at Red Rock Bowling Club on Sunday August 18 with the members approving a donation of $100 to the appeal with treasurer Brian Hall presenting a cheque to Debbie representing the Red Rock organising committee.
Bear Cottage is the only children’s hospice in NSW being a very special place that’s dedicated to caring and offering paediatric palliative care 24 hours a day to children with life-limiting conditions. If you are looking for a social day of mixed bowls then get on down to Red Rock and support this wonderful appeal day.
Discussion was held on the progress and preparations for the Past President’s State Friendship Carnival being held at Red Rock Bowling Club from Friday 13 to Sunday 15 September. Flyers advising the Carnival will be circulated to all Clubs in the near future calling for team nominations.
Social member Warren McLachlan was the lucky member winning the major raffle prize and the Association extends its thanks to all business and member donors of prizes.
Our next quarterly meeting will be held at Yamba Bowling Club on Sunday August 11 and an invitation is extended to members of the Yamba Club to join us for a game of friendly social bowls commencing at 10am.
Shirley Woodward