Community News

Clarence Native Bees (CNB)

The first meeting for 2019 will be on Thursday February 7 at the South Grafton RSL, 5.15pm for 5.30pm start. Guests are welcome and bring any queries you may have regarding native bees as we have a diverse range of knowledge and always ready for a discussion. CNB usually have a meeting the first Thursday of every month at the South Grafton RSL.

2019 is busily being planned to have our presence at the Grafton Show; involvement in the Jacca Festival; continue our window displays at the Summerland Credit Union (Prince St Grafton) and have some more workshops.

A few 2018 highlights: a few workshops covering many different topics including a couple of hands-on sessions making motels and habitats for our solitary bees; many opportunities to be involved in hive splits of native stingless bees; placement of rescued log hives with community groups; purchase of a data projector for presentations at our meetings; bus trip to a Qld stingless bee expert.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following for their continued support: South Grafton RSL; Summerland Credit Union and the Healing Centre. If you have any inquiries regarding our group, please contact Carole on 6643 3750.

Laura Noble