Traffic Conditions

Changed traffic conditions on Pacific Motorway and Ewingsdale

Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions next week on the Pacific Motorway and Ewingsdale Road for asphalting work to be carried out on the Ewingsdale Road interchange bridge.

To reduce impact to motorists, work will be carried out between 6pm and 3am for three nights from Monday 25 May, weather permitting.

Ewingsdale Bridge will be closed to traffic with detours in place while work is carried out.

A detour will be available southbound via a dedicated U-turn area just north of the St Helena Tunnel for motorists on the Pacific Motorway travelling to Myocum and those travelling from Byron Bay to Myocum.

A northbound detour will be available via Tyagarah Road for motorists on the Pacific Motorway travelling to Byron Bay and those travelling from Myocum to Byron Bay.

Access will remain available for northbound motorists wishing to access Myocum and for southbound road users heading towards Byron Bay.

A reduced speed limit will be in place during work hours, which may affect travel times.

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