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Camp Quality EsCarpade visits Grafton

Image Caption: One of the cars in last year’s Camp Quality Escapade, at a river crossing. Image: Contributed
Lynne Mowbray   The Camp Quality EsCarpade motoring adventure, which raises money and awareness in support of children impacted by cancer, with this year travel through Grafton. This year’s annual event will see 70 cars taking part with each car having to be at least 20 years old. Owners spend up to a year, decking them out [at their own expense]; in different fun themes and making sure that they are totally road worthy, in preparation for the escarpade. This year’s event will depart Port Macquarie on October 21 and finish in Toowoomba, QLD on October 28, after travelling 2188 km with 64-per-cent of the roads, being dirt. Last year, Grafton paramedic Trevor Green took part in the event for the first time, after an expression of interest was put out by NSW Ambulance for volunteers. Trevor used his annual leave to volunteer as a paramedic, following behind the rally with a fully functional ambulance. Trevor said that he enjoyed being a part of last year’s event and seeing first hand those who were involved, helping to raise money for Camp Quality. “During the escarpade, members from the Camp Quality’s Primary School Education puppets will visit certain schools, performing puppet shows to help children understand cancer and how it affects families,” Trevor said. “It really is a great program and helps the kids to understand why their friends or family look a bit different or why they have to take time off from school because they are away getting treatment.” Trevor said that he received a phone call a few weeks ago from Camp Quality, saying that they had a vacancy in this year’s event and asked if he’d like to be involved again. “My role this year will be as an official, not as a paramedic,” he said. “It’s about having fun and my motto is ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ and if I can help make someone laugh each day, then it’s a great day.” Trevor, who has experienced cancer first hand, sees his involvement as his way of giving back. “There were people out there who helped me out during my journey and I’m very fortunate; I had the treatment,” he said. “I see it as a fun way of giving back”. The Camp Quality EsCarpade cars will set off from Grafton’s Market Square at 8am on Tuesday, October 24. Anyone wanting to check them out can do so briefly between 7am – 8am at Market Square.