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Brooms Head Caravan Park copped a pounding during a large easterly swell generated by Cyclone Fehi last week. The existing revetment wall is in the foreground. The management plan for the area recommends its extension, with work commencing in 2016. Image: Stephen Otton
Brooms Head foreshore pounded
Geoff Helisma
A combination of high tides and a large swell have caused serious erosion to the northern end of Brooms Head Caravan Park.
Last week’s high tides, ranging from 1.83 to 1.87 metres, which are only exceeded on a handful of occasions this year in June, July and August, coincided with a swell generated by Tropical Cyclone Fehi.
The erosion event also extends northwards to Red Cliff in the Yaraygir National Park.
“The lower dunes built-up over the year from the strong northeasters are all gone,” local resident and photographer Steve Otton said, “leaving a sheer wall which is slowly collapsing right along the dune face.”
The 2015 Brooms Head Beach and Lake Cakora Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP) for the affected area recommends the extension of the existing revetment wall to “southern bridge abutment” as a “high priority” in its cost benefit analysis section and advocates for construction to begin in 2016.
“The extension of the foreshore reserve revetment to the bridge abutment is the only CZMP action with estimated cost in excess of $100,000,” the plan states.
“The assets at risk landward of the foreshore that will be protected by the extension works include public reserve (providing recreation and holiday accommodation), high value conservation wetland (endangered ecological community), and ultimately the Ocean Road thoroughfare.
“…Costs of implementing these actions are considered by Council to be relatively minor and will clearly return a positive benefit/cost ratio.”
A Clarence Valley Council spokesperson said staff will continue to monitor the situation at the caravan park, however, he was unable to say what further action would be taken before the Independent went to press.