Popular demand by his loyal followers has Brian Austin back on stage at this coming Sunday’s Country Muster at the Yamba Bowlo.
Having honed his entertaining skills on stage in Britain, we are indeed fortunate that Brian chose the Gold Coast area as his retirement destination. When pressed for some bio material, Brian tends to sell himself short, by claiming that he has never really done anything special, but has always just done the best that he could on the day.
Patrons who have attended his previous appearances here in Yamba all agree that is good enough for them to come and tap along to the old favorites that Brian will perform.
Our next Muster is this Sunday February 24, noon till 4pm. Lunch available from the Bistro or coffee shop and $5 entry, includes an afternoon cuppa.
Our thanks to the people who supported the bus trip to Lismore Workers Club on January 27. In all, over 20 Yambaites were present. A very happy day ensued, and the presentations by our representatives, Noel Charles, Roy Boy and of course John Warren (who was one of the guest artists) were very well received.
Due to a double booking on March 24 (yes the Troy Cassar Daly’s show takes precedent) there will be no Country Muster in March. So our next Muster will be the Sunday immediately AFTER Easter, April 28 with Rosie Muscat as guest. Until then stay well and follow us on our new Facebook site.
Graeme Routson