
golf ball on lip of cup.

Braves gather in the cool

Seems to be the norm lately, that we play in sweltering conditions and last Tuesday week was no exception. Still the golfing was fun and this time we had cool drinks in the clubhouse during the presentation.

Stableford on the second nine holes saw two players battling it out at the top of the ladder. Graham Platt and Gary Taylor both notched up 19 points and right to the end, went toe to toe, even scoring birdies at the same hole, number 17, a par 3. Lance Gibbens and Trevor Wright were next with 16 points and Marilyn Hopkins came 3rd with 15 points.

Prizes were of a Christmas nature including shortbreads, Pavlova fudge, and a box of Cadbury’s Favourites donated by the Hopkins. Other prizes awarded were Thai Payu and Caperberry restaurant vouchers, Yamba Cinema passes and Hidden Gem Vino. Thanks, sponsors, for your solid support over the past 12 months, we wish you all a safe and happy holiday season

On 17th Gaham Platt nailed a shot to 40cm for one shot to win the NTP and Marilyn won the 11th with 2 shots (600mm form cup) scoring a packet of shortbread.

Least putts for the 9 holes made by Trevor Wright (15 shots) and Gary Taylor managed a 5-metre chip-in to keep his score rate up.

After presentations, the playing cards were shuffled and cut but no-one managed to get close except Marilyn (Queen of Clubs). The sought after card, the King of Clubs (for a Paul King golf lesson) remained elusive for another week.

We’re still playing next week so join us at 8am at Maclean Golf Course for some more fun and announcement of an upcoming competition in the new year.

Stay safe over the holidays.

Garry Taylor