Community News

CWA Poets Breakfast Paul & Joel poets.

Bards descend on Maclean CWA

Over 60 people attended the Poets Breakfast held at the Maclean CWA Hall on Easter Saturday.  They were delighted to hear many talented poets including CWA’s own poet, Jackie Graham, who returned from Queensland especially to perform several poems including one composed for CWA titled ‘Scone Wrong’.

The crowd enjoyed our excellent local artists Peter Capp, Noel Charles and Paul Commerford with his talented grandchildren, Joel and Charlie Imeson. Yamba radio station 2TLC-FM recorded the proceedings for posterity and the Easter egg raffles were won by John Church, Noel Charles and Peter Knot.

The kitchen volunteers kept up a constant supply of egg and bacon muffins to feed the hungry. The show ended when the audience went out onto the veranda, which is a perfect viewing platform, to watch the Parade of Scottish Pipe Bands as they passed by the CWA Hall.

The Poets Breakfast would not be possible without the support of Clarence Valley Council, Maclean Variety Meats, Coles Yamba and SPAR Maclean and the wonderful CWA volunteers. This is a colourful event that adds something extra to the Easter Highland Gathering so if you would like to help out next year please contact, president Leonie Skinner on

Susan Howland