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Austin Healy’s at the Jacaranda Rally
A large contingent of 11 Austin Healys from as far as Wagga Wagga and North Queensland attended the Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club’s Jacaranda Two Day Rally held last week end.
The static display held in Duke Street on Saturday morning was a huge success with a large display with a variety of vehicles on show.
The Shannon’s, star of display was taken out by Austin Healy owner Neil Tregea, followed by the Presidents pick, locals John and Sue Cox, with their beautiful Ford Cortina. Stewart Copeland, Shannon’s representative, chose Graham Sills well restored EJ Holden wagon.
A run to Lawrence on Saturday afternoon to visit the ‘The Shed Museum’ was followed by afternoon tea on the banks of the Clarence before returning to assemble for the street procession.
On Sunday all assembled along Prince Street at 10am and proceeded to the Grafton Sporting Car Club & Hillclimb venue at Mountain View, and then to Rappville Hotel for lunch. Doug Clark