Attention Maclean High School Class of 1977
A planned reunion of students who graduated from Sixth Form (Year 12) at Maclean High School in 1977 and those who started Fifth Form ( Year 11) in 1976 then thought better of it, has become a whole lot bigger.
There has been a lot of interest from fellow students who left school in Fourth Form (Year 10) in 1975, so anyone in those years is invited. In fact, anyone who was in First Form at Maclean High in 1972, Second Form in 1973, Third Form in 1974, or Fourth Form in ’75 is welcome.
The reunion is planned for the October Long Weekend this year to mark 42 years since our School Certificate and 40 years since our HSC. It will be great for everyone to catch up after so many years, but it’s been so long name tags might be in order.
Please contact Julie Astalosh (Shannon) 0411 298 702 with any questions. Or go to www.mhs1977.info and complete the Expression of Interest form, then Rosemary Oldfield (Kempnich) will contact you. Please join us.
David Bancroft
South Grafton