
Are you taking steps to reduce your stroke risk?

Ed, Some say it takes 21 days to form a habit. If that’s the case, Aussies who started to make small changes to reduce their stroke risk during National Stroke Week (Sept 3-9), will be well on their way to a healthier future.   On behalf of the Stroke Foundation, I would like to congratulate these people and all who helped spread the stroke prevention message during Stroke Week 2018. Keep up the great work! I also want to take the opportunity to say it is not too late to make some simple changes to your daily routine which would make a positive difference to your health and potentially even save your life. Stroke is a devastating disease which can change lives in an instant, but 80 percent of strokes are preventable by managing blood pressure and cholesterol and living a healthy lifestyle. During National Stroke Week, with the help of thousands of incredible volunteers right around the country, we shared our five tips for a healthy life and a reduced stroke risk – stay active, eat a healthy, balanced diet, drink alcohol only in moderation, quit smoking and make time to see your doctor for a health check. There will be around 56,000 strokes in Australia in 2018. Stroke attacks the brain, which controls our movements, speech, understanding and emotions. It can strike anyone at any age, but can largely be prevented if we act now. There is no time to waste. I urge you to stop reaching for the salt or sugary drinks, walk an extra block to work or take the stairs instead of the lift. These small steps can go a long way to reducing your stroke risk. Stroke does not just impact an individual, it affects family, friends and colleagues too. I urge you to act now to prevent stroke, for yourself and your loved ones. The power is yours. Sharon McGowan Chief Executive Officer Stroke Foundation